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!Draw->WMF Version 1.3 Readme.
This program may be freely distributed as long as it is not altered
in any way. That there is no charge other than distribution cost.
That if included on a CDROM, a complementry copy is supplied to the
author. ( Use email to obtain address to supply ).
However if you do find it useful then please send a donation to.
Heatherley Cheshire Home
Effingham Lane,
RH10 3HS.
Registered Charity Number : 218186
Thanks to Richard Walter for promting me into action.
Last updated
Application : 24th May 1996
Documentation : 24th May 1996
!Draw->WMF is a Utility for converting Draw to Windows Metafiles
This following Draw functions are not supported
Angled Text
text areas
The Draw->WMF arc file should have been restored to a directory named
!Draw->WMF. Which should contain the following files :-
!Run : Draw->WMF Startup file.
!Sprites : Draw->WMF Application Sprites
Templates : Template files
draw-wmf : Draw->WMF Application.
~~config : Configuration file for Draw->WMF.
~~fonts : List of Windows Fonts
!Help : This file.
The !run file should be altered to suite your requirements :-
Modules required :-
The Shared C Library should be loaded as appropriate for
your setup. The supplied !run file assumes that the C
shared library module is in !system.modules.
The Floating Point Emulator should be loaded as appropriate for
your setup. The supplied !run file assumes that the FPEmulator
module is in !system.modules.
Variables required :-
DrawWMF$Dir is required in order for Draw->WMF to find its various
configuration files.
Storage required :-
!Draw->WMF has been tested with a wimpslot size of 160k
on a machine with 32k pages. lower values may be possible
on machines with smaller page sizes.
The file to be converted is loaded into a buffer claimed from
the next slot. The space is return immediately after the conversion,
so you should not be able to see the change.
If !Draw->WMF prompts that it does not have enough memory to process,
then !Draw->WMF must be restarted, having made provision that
the next slot is large enough.
1) First click on the !Draw->WMF icon. This will install the !Draw->WMF
icon on the icon bar.
2) To convert a Draw file drag the file to the !Draw->WMF
icon on the icon bar. This will popup a save wmf window. Drag the Draw
file icon to the required destination.
3) If an unconfigured Draw font is encountered a window will pop up.
Select the required Windows font or stroked text and then select
the Ok button which will then appear.
Control Options
Direct Link
Rather than have !Draw->WMF prompt for the target file, it is possible
to set a default path and have the target name created as default path
plus filename. To do this you drag the Draw file icon to the target directory
or application and set the Direct option. With the direct option set the
output Draw file will automatically be created.
Note if you use this option sensibly with an application then the receiving
application must support the Draw file type.
Placeable Metafile
Selecting this option means that a Placeable Metafile header is created
in the file. Note: Placeable Metafiles above 64K in size may not be
supported by some Windows applications.
Config File ( ~~config )
This file controls the translation of fonts to Windows fonts. The format
<Draw Font Family>,<num>
Where Num is the corresponding entry in the Windows Font file ~~fonts,
indexed from 0. Or -1 which means convert the test to paths.
Fonts File ( ~~fonts )
The file is a list of WIndows font, one entry per line. The maximum number
of fonts is limited to 32. Please contact the author if you wish to have
this limit raised.
Some PC applications require that the file extension is WMF. So
make sure PC file is xxxxxx.WMF before use.
WMF File type
The WMF file type is 412
Copyright & Contributions
This software carries no warranty, either express or implied.
I can not guarantee that it is free of bugs or give any warranty
about it’s suitability for use.
The status of !Draw->WMF is Careware. Howevere it may be freely
Copyright remains solely the authors. (C) Keith Sloan
If you find problems or want to make suggestions for improvements then
please contact me at either of the following.
Internet : keiths@cix.compulink.co.uk
The quality of PD/Careware/Shareware depends on users reporting bugs
and obtaining upto date versions, so before you bemoan the quaility
check the date the software was created and please report bugs.
Next time you see a reviewer, give them some stick on not
reporting which version that are slatting.
In the interest of enhancing this enhance this application I
would like to obtain the following :-
Sample Draw & WMF files that fail to convert correctlty
Many Thanks
Version History.
Alpha 1.0 : Version supplied to Richard Walter : 7th June 1995
1.1 : 17th Feb 1996
Make sure file is terminated properly.
1.2 : 14th March 1996
Support for Text.
1.3 : 24th May 1996
Add option to create Placeable Metafiles.